Sheikh Zayed Center for Desert Sciences

Al Ain Other Al Ain Zoo, Nahyan The First Street


Sheikh Zayed Center for Desert Sciences

The Sheikh Zayed Center for Desert Sciences is an important educational resource that combines knowledge and education through its interactive exhibits, multimedia and visual materials produced specifically for this center, with the help of international experts and specialists in this field.

The Center consists of 5 interactive exhibitions: the Sheikh Zayed Memorial Hall, the Abu Dhabi Desert through Time, the Living World of Abu Dhabi, the People of the Desert, and a Look Toward the Future.

The Sheikh Zayed Center for Desert Science is an engineering complex that includes many levels and many potential rotation patterns. The size of the center, the variety of audiences and the nature of the content allows testing a huge bouquet of experiences. This includes a full range of explanatory media that includes immersive environments, interactive audio-visual exhibits, sculptures and prototypes, model collections, graphics and a large theater.


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