Al Boughaz Al Maghribi

3 22 A St


A traditional Moroccan restaurant that serves a large number of wonderful Moroccan dishes, prepared in an excellent way, characterized by a stunning Moroccan decor that shows Moroccan art, and attention to detail throughout the place It has a special family atmosphere and is suitable for groups, the staff is very cooperative and they have a special reception for customers Most popular dishes Chicken tacos _ silky soup _ sunwich bocadios _ tacos kofta Nezwar's authority cold interviews Zaalouk _ Tiktouka _ Moroccan salad _ Nezwar basket hot appetizers Cowpea _ shrimp bell bell _ chicken pattilla _ seafood pattilla special dishes Rfisa _ fry _ vegetable soup tagine Roasted casserole_ chicken casserole with potatoes and olives _ meat kofta casserole _ roasted beef casserole maqla Beef frying pan _ Al-Boughaz frying pan bocce tuna bouchi _ chicken bouchi sandwiches Buga grill sandwich _ meat skewer sandwich _ grilled liver sandwich _ grilled kofta sandwich _ chicken sandwich _ liver _ tuna _ pocadios _ tacos Tacos cheese _ tacos kofta _ chicken tacos _ tacos al-Boughaz Barbecue Al-Boughaz Mixed Grills - Grilled Kofta - Grilled Chicken sea ​​food sol Bogas cocktail juices hot drinks Carbonated drinks


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