Layali Al Neel Restaurant

12 Al Khan Street


Layali El Nile Restaurant serves the most delicious and tastiest Egyptian food, and it is one of the best Egyptian restaurants in the UAE. Fish (Sinjari grilled supreme fish - grilled mullet - sinjari grilled mullet - sinjari sea bass - seafood with vegetables - pasta with seafood - shrimp casserole - calamari casserole - seafood casserole with potatoes - sayadiyah rice) Sandwiches (all kinds of beans - different types of falafel - mashed potatoes - boiled eggs - omelette - eggs with pastrami - shakshouka - moussaka - fried eggplant - Baba Ghanoush) Nile dishes (potato pan with meat with rice and salad - chicken and potato salad - Nile pasta with shish kofta - panne and fried potatoes - shish tawook with salad - grilled kebab with salad - okra casserole with meat, curry and salad - chicken biryani - potato wedges with meat wedges - molokhia with Rice or salad - grilled with salad and potatoes - shish tawook with salad) Dishes (cheese with tomatoes and cucumbers - fried potato dish - fried mixed vegetables - fried eggplant dish - baba ghanoush - bean dish with oil - boiled eggs - eggs with pastrami - eggs with sausage - koshary / pasta (koshari with liver / chicken / meat - pasta bechamel - pasta with sauce) White With Chicken Mushroom) Shawarma / Salads Sweets / Ice Cream Juices / milkshakes / hot drinks / cold drinks


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